Sunday 5 October 2008

Now you can Text a Psychic!!!

Text a Live Psychic

Text GRANT to 86600

In a dilemma? Now you can 'talk' to a psychic by SMS.

Texts our psychics anywhere, anytime!

Just text GRANT followed by your question to 86600. Each reply you receive costs £1.50 (O2/Voda/Orange)

Sunday 10 August 2008

Russell Grant Horoscopes - Pet Horoscopes

Aries: It looks like being an action packed week and the thought of having to put yourself in battle mode suits you just fine! Whether or not anyone realises it, you’ll be the one directing matters and leading everyone to the highest fulfilment of each of their roles. You can expect much animated conversation amongst your companions, but few are foolish enough to question your tactics; they all know you’re a master of military strategy and if this contest’s to be won, they need to follow you!

Taurus: It’s always pleasant when you’re the recipient of treats for no apparent reason, but though you enjoy these offerings, you may not enjoy the bustle of people coming and going. Just when you were hoping to spend a little quiet time, a stream of friends all want to pet or play with you. With everyone offering you things to eat, take care not to overdo; your tummy sends warnings when it’s time to stop and you’ll certainly feel better later if you listen!

Gemini: How disconcerting to be unexpectedly slighted, especially when you felt you were loved by all and are now sitting on the sidelines. Take it as the normal cycle of change and enjoy the breathing space this shift in attention offers you. With the two sides of your nature you’re armed to adapt to new circumstances as well as any pet could. Belief in how special you are keeps you fortified while you wait for your humans to come along with a treat for you!

Cancer: Cheerful people are the best companions for you now; they encourage your social side and tickle your funny side. Welcome all the activities they involve you in and make new friendships the main theme of your current adventures. The bonus here is that you can get healthy exercise in the process of enjoying excursions around town. Though there will be some differences in what you and your friends are in the mood for, you’ll finally come up with options that everyone can agree on.

Leo: With lovely people smiling all around you you’d be doing everyone a favour if you smiled back; why ignore the sweet attention you’re getting? Rather than retreating when friends come to call, you come out and let them get a good look at you. This gives you the chance to get an equally good look at them and to make plans for how you’ll handle their next visit, should they care to call again. You’re rarely happier than when you have a chance to show off at home.

Virgo: When your family puts their travel plans on hold it comes as something of a disappointment, but even if you can’t venture toward distant shores for the present time, you can lead your humans on a journey of imagination. You’re a natural grand planner, so stop roaming listlessly around the house and find something interesting to do. Perform some of the tricks you learned watching clever animals on TV; this pleasantly distracts your housemates from their troubles and gets them laughing.

Libra: Who wants to keep their feet on the ground when there’s so much fun to be had imitating Superman! Have you taken flight in hopes of capturing someone’s attention or are you just playing with a passing bee or ladybug? Your companion always thought you were adorable, but now questions what exactly you’re trying to do; find ways to let them know. Keep up a healthy exercise program bearing in mind that dashing around the house comes with the risk of accidents or breakage!

Scorpio: Though you pay attention well and notice everything, you now see your humans have also picked up this habit and are currently watching your every move. Did you do something that created a negative outcome; has your companion a reason to be worried you’ll attempt it again? If not, what could have made your housemate keep such a close eye on you? Solve the mystery of their concern; then enact a new plan to show you can be on your best behaviour at all times.

Sagittarius: You did it again; you’ve made yourself the subject of a disagreement among your humans. The people in the heat of the argument could use your input, if only you could speak, but being unable to do so, you must find another way to intervene. Marvellously you’re inspired with a creative way of communicating. While you work on this, do what you can to keep the humans involved in the discussion at a distance; once your plan is executed, peace descends on your household.

Capricorn: All that hard work you’ve been doing has taken a toll on your appearance and it’s time you took notice and corrected the matter. It’s always a good idea to look your best; if you fix yourself up a little now you’ll be ready to face a delightful mid week encounter and you’ll be glad you’re in such tip-top condition when you meet new friends. If your current scruffiness is too extreme to be remedied at home, turn yourself over for professional treatment!

Aquarius: A battle for ownership is about to begin and any aggressive behaviour on your part will be interpreted in that light. If you take action to claim something, if you start a fight, even a playful one with a friend, it’s likely to get disagreeable and you could be the one who pays the price. Keep offensive moves to a minimum, as no one wants chaos in the house. It will be a while before this situation dissipates, till then try to think uplifting thoughts!

Pisces: You could just relax and let others do for you, but your inclination to protect your human family is potent, leading you to spring into action at the first sign of trouble. If any youngsters are spending time in your home, you’ll be particularly attuned to their needs, whether they actually live there or not. In many ways you’re taking on more responsibility and expanding your idea of family to include some who aren’t real relations.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Get your Lucky Lottery Numbers - Personal Numerology Lottery Numbers

Lucky Lottery Numbers with Russell Grant

Fancy your lucky on the next 6 lottery draws?

With Russell's Lucky Lottery numbers - simply text in your date of birth and receive your 6 lucky numbers the day before each game - numbers are calculated on the game date and your personal numerology, and costs £1.50 for a series of 6 draws.

That's only 25p each!

Text STARS MLOTTO followed by your date of birth (i.e. STARS MLOTTO 26081972 - for the 26th Aug 1972) to 87070.

Get your Lucky Lottery Numbers - Personal Numerology Lottery Numbers


You and your numbers! See how the name you were given at birth dictates your destiny and your personality. Try your FREE numerology profile or a 30 day forecast -- you'll be amazed!

Free Numerology Profile
30 Day Forecast Report

Compatibility - Natal Charts & Forecast

Birth Horoscope
Daily Forecast
7 Day Forecast
1 Month Forecast
3 Month Forecast
6 Month Forecast
12 Month Forecast

Psychic Snapshot Reports

Love & Romance
Psychic Snapshot
Friends & Future
Family & Health
The Inner You
Luck & Potential
Money & Career

Lottery - Lucky Lottery Numbers - Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Online Free Personal Horoscopes by Russell Grant

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Thursday 3 July 2008

Zodiac Video - Work and Career Advice

Russell Grant Show Career Advice

Russell Grant Show Astrology and Horoscopes Career Advice

24hr Personal Horoscopes - call Russell Grant on : 0905 506 6789
Calls to Russell's Astrology lines cost 75p/min.
PO Box 322, WA15 8YL. You must be 18 or over to use this service. All calls recorded for protection and safety and this service is regulated by ICSTIS.

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Horoscopes - Free Online Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes

Thursday 26 June 2008

Free Birth Report -

Ordering your report is simple. Your report will be displayed on screen following a successful transaction, however - please ensure your email address is correct, otherwise you may not receive your emailed version and any chart updates we may send you. If you do not know your exact birth time, please select either 0600 AM if you were born in the morning, or 0600 PM if you were born in the evening - If you have no idea and cannot find out please select 0600 AM.

Text a Live Psychic - Txt GRANT to 86600

In a dilemma? Now you can 'talk' to a psychic by SMS. Texts our psychics anywhere, anytime! Just text GRANT followed by your question to 86600. Each reply you receive costs £1.50 (O2/Voda/Orange)

24hr Personal Horoscopes - call Russell Grant on : 0905 506 6789
Calls to Russell's Astrology lines cost 75p/min. You must be 18 or over to use this service. All calls recorded for protection and safety and this service is regulated by ICSTIS.

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Monday 12 May 2008

Live Medium Line - Tarot & Psychics

Live Medium Line - Tarot - Psychics

As Mediums we receive messages from loved ones, friends and spirit guides. These are likely to be spirits who are the closest to you and care the most for your well-being.

You will generally first receive some type of confirmation of who they are, such as something about an event you shared or something you have of theirs that you hold dear.

Call my live medium line and see if someone in the spirit world has a message for you on 0906 176 1137* - Russell x

*Calls to Live psychic lines cost £1.50/min. PO Box 322, WA15 8YL. You must be 18 or over to use this service. All calls recorded for protection and safety and this service is regulated by ICSTIS.

Numerology Readings - Tarot and Psychics UK - Numerology - Destiny and Mind

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Thursday 17 April 2008

Numerology Reports -

30 Day Numerology

Receive your FREE introductory version of the 30 day Numerology Forecast Report - simply complete your details and find out what your numbers have predicted.

The comprehensive report calculates your 30 day period daily numbers from Today for the NEXT 30 days - together with your daily Numerology Prediction which you can request following your free report.

24hr Personal Horoscopes - call Russell Grant on : 0905 506 6789
Calls to Russell's Astrology lines cost 75p/min.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes

Astrologer - Astrology - Psychics - Astrology Services - Free Psychic Readings - Personal Horoscopes - Text a Psychic - Cancer - Aries - Pisces - Capricorn - Taurus - Gemini - Leo - Virgo - Horoscope - Live Psychics - Tarot Card Readings - UK Psychics - Astrology Services - Mobile Phone Horoscopes - Yearly Horoscope - Phone Horoscope - Email Horoscopes - Astrologer - Psychic Readings - Email a Psychic

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Horoscopes by Text

Mobile Services for the UK


To TEXT a Psychic, text the word GRANT followed by your question to 86600

In a dilemma? Now you can 'talk' to a psychic by SMS. Texts our psychics anywhere, anytime! Just text GRANT followed by your question to 86600. Each reply you receive costs £1.50

Zodiac Logos for your mobile
Colour animations for your mobile

Start your morning with your Russell Grant horoscope direct to your mobile! Text: RUSS followed by your starsign to 82100 i.e. RUSS ARIES to 82100

Get your love and erotic stars on the move straight to your mobile. Simply text: RUSS LOVE (followed by your starsign (i.e. RUSS LOVE VIRGO) to 82100

Using the powers of the Tarot - Russell draws your daily Tarot card for your sign - giving you the inspiration for the coming day. Text RUSS CARD followed by your starsign to 82100

Written for the young and the more social! You can get your Teenscopes by texting RUSS TEEN followed by your starsign to 82100

Alerts from 82100 cost 25p/message. Standard operator charges apply for sending texts.

Russell Grant Text Services in the USA

With 78 bestsellers under his belt and another one the way, Russell Grant is the UK's best loved astrologer. In 1978 he did a reading for the Queen Mother in public and became the first Royal Astrologer in over 300 years. Russell Grant currently writes for over 450 regional daily and weekly newspapers throughout the United Kingdom and appears daily on national television.

Over five million people visit Russell's site every month seeking his innovative horoscope services. Now Russell Grant has teamed up with txtGroups to deliver his expert advice to mobile phones across North America!

24hr Personal Horoscopes - call Russell Grant on : 0905 506 6789

Calls to Russell's Astrology lines cost 75p/min.

*Calls to Live psychic lines cost £1.50/min. PO Box 322, WA15 8YL. You must be 18 or over to use this service. All calls recorded for protection and safety and this service is regulated by ICSTIS.

Russell Grant Astrology Books - Personal Horoscope Readings - Birth Horoscope - Daily Forecast - Astrology Dice

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Tarot Card Readings - Russell Grant

Tarot Cards Meanings


Judgement is the twentieth card of the Major Arcana.

This card represents that a particular phase of your life is about to end. It can mean leaving a job that you have been in for sometime, and moving on to pastures new. It is time to reflect and sum up what has gone before. This card can also mean retirement.

It also signifies a sense of achievement for a job well done. You can sit back and assess with satisfaction that you have done your duty to the best of your ability. It brings about an inner vision, a clarity that would suggest past setbacks have brought about changes for the better. It also brings relief, relaxation and a state of trust. This card is all about renewal, regeneration, resolve and evaluation.

This card in a relationship situation represents a point at which you have to re-evaluate your relationship. What might have appeared as a failure might now be seen as a successful and fulfilling relationship and that past actions are accepted as a way for changing the situation for the better.

The key word for this card is RENEWAL.

Tarot Card Readings - The Meaning of the Judgement Tarot Card


The Hermit is the ninth card of the Major Arcana

This card represents the need to withdraw from a situation in order to think clearly and concisely and to reassess your life, values and yourself. It is a time for contemplation on a large scale or maybe time to recover after a period of hard work.

This card also represents an older person who has acquired wisdom and knowledge or an isolated and rather solitary person. Seeking advice from this older person could be beneficial.

It could also be a time in your life when you are on your own and would suggest that you need your own space for a while. A time for reflection if you are in a steady relationship. Perhaps you want your independence and you are not ready to settle down yet.

The Hermit card deals with situations where thought, patience and lucidity have to be practiced.

The ninth card of the Major Arcana represents wisdom, perceptiveness, awareness and solitude.

The key word for this card is Quest.

Tarot Card Readings - The Meaning of The Hermit Tarot Card

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Tuesday 15 January 2008

Free Birth Horoscope - Horoscopes Russell Grant

Free Birth Horoscope - Russell Grant

Ordering your report is simple. Your report will be displayed on screen following a successful transaction, however - please ensure your email address is correct, otherwise you may not receive your emailed version and any chart updates we may send you.

If you do not know your exact birth time, please select either 0600 AM if you were born in the morning, or 0600 PM if you were born in the evening - If you have no idea and cannot find out please select 0600 AM.

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Thursday 10 January 2008

Ask the I-Ching Today about Tomorrow!

Ask the I Ching

The I Ching or 'Book of Changes' is an ancient form of divination used to gain wisdom and insight into the many challenges human beings face.

Focus on your concern and stare into the depths of the water. When you feel the moment is right, click on any six different areas of the picture that you feel drawn to. Your hexagram of insight will appear below.


Here you will find your passport to your day, week, month and even year ahead; with three of the leading astrologers - Russell Grant, Philip Garcia and Carole Somerville.

Confused which star sign you are? Want to know in-depth about your personality - or indeed your personal future? Try your FREE natal horoscope report - which comes with a birth chart which is the map to how you work, rest and play!

Love Forecast & Personal Future Horoscopes

Monday 7 January 2008

Special Offer 2008 Year Horoscope Forecast

Special Offer 2008 Year Forecast

Delivered: Instantly online and by email
5 Star Rating
Number of pages: 200+ pages
Price: £49.99 £39.99

Well Christmas and the New Year is fast approaching, so I wanted to let you know of my very special 2008 Horoscope Forecast with a fantastic special offer…

Your personal 2008 Forecast now consists of over 200+ pages, with a forecast for each day for next year. I have included specific questions and answers for you.

These include:

How can I enjoy an emotionally fulfilling relationship..?
Sometimes it seems for every 2 steps forward I take, I make 1 step back. Why..?
I am not sure where I am going in life..?
I am not sure where I stand in a close relationship..?
Remember, the 2008 Forecast is based on the date, time and place of birth information you provide for your very own personalised Forecast. So whether the forecast is for you or as a gift, the information provided will ensure real life changing decisions can be made throughout next year..

For a limited time, I am offering this very special discount of £10!

- Russ x

The Inner You Psychic Scan - Special Day Forecast - Birth Horoscopes - Love & Romance